St. Patrick's Day weekend was gorgeous.
Full of luck, metaphorical rainbows and pots of gold.
On Saturday, I took my doggie on a sunset hike at the beautiful Vazquez Rocks in Santa Clarita Valley.
We both really needed this freedom run!

Sunset was spectacular.
And the star filled sky at night was magical.
What a wonderful day. What a wonderful world!
Originally, I had no plans for St. Patrick's Day, but I had some of this cute St. Patrick's day themed fabric I had been given (from Dee - thanks Dee!). I decided to whip up a cute little skirt to wear, even if I only ended up wearing it to Trader Joe's. There wasn't much fabric, so I worked with what I had. I used pattern A, below.
I had about 1/4-1/2 yard of fabric, so it's much shorter than the pattern. I added a waistband and the zipper is at the side. Here is the finished product:
I love the little pipes with clovers in them. Totally novelty, but I think it's cute!
After I got home from my fun evening with the rocks I hung out with my awesome neighbor, Kevin. We've been talking about whale watching forever and the topic came up again. He got us tickets from groupon for a whale watching trip the next day.
Not only was I stoked to get on a boat and look for whales, but now I had somewhere way cooler than Trader Joes to wear my cute holiday themed skirt.
Here it is blowing in the wind!
I seriously had the time of my life. I belong on a boat!
Me and my buddy, Kevin. Thanks again, Kevin!! :)
We saw so much sea life, it was awesome! We saw 2 or 3 Fin Whales, the second largest animal on Earth. Hundreds of dolphins, seals, pelicans ... it was the perfect whale watching trip. Luck was with us, for sure.
I don't know if this video will work or if you can even make it out, but that is the Fin whale.
You Rock Whale!
And so did my weekend :)
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