I finally got around to using up the gorgeous blue organic cotton, hemp, lycra jersey fabric I got from Hemp Traders.
Actually, I still have a bunch left because they were kind enough to send me an extra yard for free. Love them!
I also have had this pattern for a while and it needed a stretch fabric and the blue organic cotton/hemp/lycra was perfect.
Very Easy Vogue V8571

Here is the finished dress!

This fabric is so comfy! I could sleep in it. The pattern was very easy to follow and make, too. It didn't take too long. I probably could have done a better job with the gathering, but it looks fine as is. I used my serger. Man, that thing is great! I can't wait to get to know it better. It definitely finished this dress in record time with none of the puckering that my regular machine would have caused because of the stretch fabric. I plan on taking my regular machine into the shop because I recently dropped it on the hard wood floor - D'oh! It seems to be fine, but I want it to get checked and cleaned anyway. While it's gone I plan on developing a better relationship with my serger and really get to know it better. It seems amazing. I can't wait to master that bad boy.
Spring is coming .... I can't wait to wear all my new dresses I've made over the winter.
Great job! Using a pattern AND a serger - two things I haven't tried yet. You're really inspring me though, I found a pattern the other day I'd love to try but am kinda nervous about...we shall see