Monday, January 27, 2014

Greener Pastures

I finally get to share with all of you the last of the fabric art pieces I made for Christmas.  My poor Mom and Brother have been sick most of December, so we didn't get to celebrate my sons birthday or Christmas until just this last Friday.  Here is a look at the gift I made from my Mom.  I call it "Greener Pastures".  It was inspired by my Grandparents, her Mom and Dad.  My Grandmother loved cows, my Grandfather loved seagulls, and they both loved the ocean.  As a kid, my Grandma would always take me to walk the dog near near where the cows grazed in the fields.  I remember having a conversation with her once about what she would want to be if she died and could be reincarnated.  She told me she would be a cow.  I must have asked my Grandpa the same question or maybe she told me he would want to be a seagull, I'm not sure.  I just remember us joking about how if I ever saw a cow with a seagull on its back after they left this world I would know it was them.  For some reason, this conversation has stuck with me for all these years.  I was probably under 10 when we had this talk.  I finally decided to breathe life into this image I've been carrying with me for 30ish years.

I hope you like it!

RIP Grandma and Grandpa.  I hope you found your Green Pasture over the ocean together.

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